TechSafe Schools National Webinars
Todays' classrooms are filled with countless wireless devices, all emitting radiofrequency (RF) radiation. For the children, teachers, and other staff who spend all day in school, the effects are harmful and cumulative.
Recent peer-reviewed studies have confirmed that exposure to RF radiation can increase the incidences of cancer, neurological disorders, and oxidative stress. Children are at higher risk from RF radiation because of their thinner skulls, their rapidly changing physiology, and their developing nervous systems.
TechSafe Schools is an initiative designed to provide school administrators with scientific and technical support to reduce exposure for students, teachers, and staff.

The TechSafe Schools National Webinars are free and open to school officials and credentialed press. The webinars will also be live-streamed on Facebook. Please register to join us!
We will be hosting three online seminars in March for school leaders to learn about the legal, medical and scientific, and technical aspects of wireless radiation. Please join us at one or all three!