Many colleges, universities and private schools offer dormitory or housing accommodations for students, and most are outfitted with powerful Wi-Fi networks to meet student demands. But when students go to sleep, the Wi-Fi never does, exposing those living in dorms to RF radiation all night while they sleep.
A growing number of individuals are sensitive to RF radiation exposure, and many report headaches, ringing in the ears, inability to concentrate and sleep disturbances from proximity to RF sources. Lack of sleep can impact student academic performance, putting these affected students at a substantial disadvantage.
The ideal access to the internet is a fully wired system with Ethernet connections, which offer superior speed, reliability, more privacy and zero health impacts. And where wireless connections are easily accessed, we strongly recommend that Wi-Fi routers be turned off between 11 pm and 7am so as to reduce interference with sleep.
For dormitories that do not have wired connections in all dorm rooms, we recommend the creation of "Wi-Fi Free" zones within dormitories, where wired connections can be provided and Wi-Fi routers can be removed or turned off.

To date, an impressive body of research is helping us understand the short and long-term effects that RF radiation may have on our health, but as the number of individuals with physical symptoms and sensitivity to RF radiation exposure continues to grow, schools with dormitories should plan for the accommodation of sensitive students and understand both their fiduciary obligations and legal liability.